Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Interim Critique- Common Problems

Today, our class had an interim critique for our "Place for Twelve Twigs" project.  We split into three smaller groups, which I found made the critique go much more smoothly.  I saw a lot there that I though to be very nice looking projects.  Many of our iterations faced similar problems though.
For example, much of the craftsmanship on the iterations I saw today was at a very basic, messy level.  I saw a lot of loose, jagged edges.  This could be solved simply by using an x-acto knife to shave the edges or sand it down with fine grain sandpaper.  Several projects had holes cut too large.  The shape of the holes did not support the twigs.  A few projects lacked adequate structural support.  I noticed that somehow there were a few people in our class who didn't incorporate twelve twigs into their iterations.  I didn't understand that.  There were a few other problems like scale of the sticks compared to scale of the support but i felt like the biggest deal was craftsmanship.

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